Sunday, September 30, 2007

date night at fenway park

for the first time since micah was born we got to go out on a date... the whole night, just the two of us! .......... almost forgot what that was like! So we went to Fenway Park to watch a Red Sox game. We go to about one game a year... the night before on Friday the Sox had just clinched the division title, so Fenway was a buzz with all the excitement of the first divsion title since 1995... on top of that it was a good game, too as they came from behind to win 6-4.

We asked the people sitting next to us to take a picture... they seemed reluctant to oblige, as you can see with how the first picture came out (I know Angela is short, but hey come on, it shouldn't be that hard to get us both in the picture right?!):

So when Angela asked them to try again... I held my breath, but it came out better the second time around:

Saturday, September 29, 2007

a hat, a pumpkin, and a picnic in the park

funny how the little things in life can bring so much happiness... Micah has this hat that hangs on a hook over his changing table...

pretty exciting, isn't it?
Micah also enjoys pumpkins and picnics at the park...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Micah's got skills!
all kinds of skills... nun-chuck skills (sp?), cake building skills, drawing skills, mustache growing skills... etc. (if you're a big fan of Napoleon Dynamite, like we are at the McMannus household, you get the joke... if not, then 'duh! you're the lamest thing ever!!')

no, but seriously Micah is learning some pretty impressive skills at only 2 months old. By the way, he is now 12.5 lbs and 22 in. long! Big boy. Pretty soon I'll put him to work landscaping! Micah has learned how to roll over already! And he holds his head up so well! (We are easily excitable around here)

here are a couple other recent pictures...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

catching up... again

Micah has very proud grandparents...

he is changing so much these days... becoming more interactive (although the above picture might suggest that he still just sleeps all day long while occasionally waking up to eat... but of course this picture is a couple of weeks old cause it's been too long since we've posted), he's even starting to laugh which is so funny:

his smiles, laughter, and all the noises he makes in his attempts to respond to anybody who takes time to talk and laugh with him are really precious. Needless to say, it is an incredible joy, responsibility and blessing to watch him develop, grow and find his personality. Everybody wants to get a piece of Micah these days... Joss and Alexa took time to play with Micah today after church:

Monday, September 3, 2007

micah's best picture yet

catching up

so it's been a while we've posted....Michawn informed me that proper blog etiquette requires a posting at least once a week... we'll try to be more responsible bloggers...
Mom and Dad McMannus (known to their grandkids as Abuelo and Abuela) came to visit us for the last week, we had a really great time just spending time together which mostly involved Jonh and I trying to figure out why Joe and July were laughing hysterically. Mom brought Joe a jar of fart putty which was the main event for them... I will be looking to subtly make the jar get "lost" at the soonest possible opportunity. Friday afternoon after I dropped Mom and Dad off at the airport, Micah and I came home and the house felt very empty and quiet. We miss you and can't wait to see you again! (Micah especially misses the long walks with Abuelo).
Joe had his 27th birthday party last month, of course, Tink believes she has the rights to every birthday cake blowing out event :) she was a great help because it is doubtful that Joe would have managed to blow out ALL his candles on his own and might have forfeited his birthday wish...
At such a young age Micah already owns more Red Sox paraphernalia than anyone i know. Joe got him all dressed up for the upcoming games against the Yankees. As soon as he was dressed Micah spit up all over his new outfit, which of course was an omen of what was to come... Red Sox lost all three games to the Yanks.... bummer.. Joe was very distraught, but has since recovered.... in my more devious moments i have contemplated secretely buying a Yankees outfit for Micah and dressing him up in it... that of course might have a severe impact on Joes emotional health... ok this is a ridiculously long post. in honor of my Pennsylvania dutch family, lets just say this blog is ALL.

Micah already getting alot of female attention at Josh's birthday party. Sorry Josh, looks like Micah stole the spotlight at your party :)