lots happened the past few weeks! Micah is now walking all by himself... sorry that we don't have pictures of that, whenever Micah sees the camera he zones out. Anyway... following are pictures of friends coming to visit and going down into the city, Mom and Dad coming up for a week, and then just some random stuff.

I remember a time in my life when my life wasn't going anywhere, just living one day to the next without a plan or much thought to my future. I'd just gotten out of college and had spent a summer running around North Carolina climbing mountains, jumping off waterfalls and riding my bike... then reality began to set in that I couldn't do that for the rest of my life, so I went back to Pennsylvania. I guess for some reason I figured if I returned to a familiar place I'd be able to find some answers... wrong. But I did find, or rediscover, a family that cared about me and was concerned for me. And the Patton's took me in for a few months until I could get my head on straight. They helped me find a job and I affectionately became known to them as the 'basement dweller'. Up until that point the Patton boys, Jake, Dean and Gib in particular knew me only as their spanish teacher, but we became pretty close. The Pattons helped turn a turbulent and confusing time of my life into a blessing and good memory. So the whole Patton family was up for a visit a couple weeks ago and we spent a day together down in the city. All these pictures were taken on the USS Constitution. Micah went on a boat for the first time, he thought that was pretty neat.

another recent visit we had was with Mom and Dad just last week... we got to see them for a whole week. It had been almost half a year since I got to see my folks. And they were especially excited to see Micah. I've noticed that Micah recognizes and likes all his grandparents, but is particularly fond of his grandfathers. We went to the children's museum and ate out at Woodmans in Essex together.

and just this past Monday was Angela's 26th birthday ... yeah!

a couple more pictures, and then that's all for now...