So we moved back to Beverly this month, moving with a child is definetly alot more work than when childless ... i know thats obvious, but it hadn't occured to me before. We're thankful to be closer to church, friends and family and also thankful to the DeFranza's for letting us live in their in-law apartment so we can save for this year we'll be living here. It's small but cozy... who needs space anyways? According to my sociology classes "space is a function of power" , and since we live not according to the standards of this world, "Downsizing" is not a big deal because we don't judge sucess as the world does.
On to more important things: Micah. very big, he can crawl at about 10mph and is doing some serious experimenting with standing alone...

we're blessed to have a such a happy little boy

Joe is very happy these days, a son and a dog (which belong to the Defranza's) what else could he want?

Micah's new thing at our new apt is to stand on the futon (which is our bed/couch) and fall down, he laughs and gets up and does it over, and over, and over again.