Thursday, August 16, 2007

at the park

the other day we were babysitting for Andre & Kristin,

we took Micah and the girls down to the park on Cabot St in Beverly.

Alexa enjoys summersaults...

and Joss likes to ride in the wagon (although I think she'd rather be outside of the wagon running around... but not yet)...


Sara said...

okay... but where is MICAH! lol did you leave him at the house?

mcmannus family said...

this blog is not just about micah... it's about us and our friends and family, too... so chill out

kris said...

ooohhhhh...that sounds like a joe comment :)
thanks for babysitting.

mcmannus family said...

no... that was angela ;)

Sara said...

HA! (that did sound like a joe comment) but if I remember correctly Kristin has her own blog... soo... there! :D

(maybe you guys can work on unified ebersole blogspot of some sort between you michawn and kristin, that way you only go to one website instead of 3 lol)