Thursday, November 1, 2007

little man no more

the other day i started going through Micah's clothes and putting away stuff that no longer fits, it was kinda nostalgic, i can't believe the little man is already growing so fast, almost four months old, i guess it's official that he's no longer a newbie, but a bonofied baby.

This has been a very exciting year for Joe once again, with the Red Sox sweeping the championship. He's convinced that the Red Sox purposefully win on years that are significant for us as in 2004 (when we got married) and now the year of Micah's birth. it's all about us, of course:)

well, let me try to post some pics, im not so good at this stuff....

alright this is not letting me do it (or more likely im doing something wrong) I'll try later.. cuz i know all anyone cares about are pictures....:)

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