Henry comes over on Thursdays and they really enjoy playing together! Micah thinks he's the coolest!

baby butt... (this posting inspired by Jossy's naked bum on Kristin's blog)
although i must admit that Micah's skinny butt just can't measure up to Jossy's chunky tush!

Sarah and Micah, they both look a little dazed....
that better have been joe who put an "h" at the end of my name (i would forgive joe, but not you angela!)
P.S: we were both ready for bed ... me more than Micah lol
Really cute! Great to see the pictures. Really laughed at the one with Joe and Micah with their hats on and mouths open!
sara(no h), that was definetly angela who spelled your name that way... i didn't create that post, not my fault!!
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