Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Micah's got skills!
all kinds of skills... nun-chuck skills (sp?), cake building skills, drawing skills, mustache growing skills... etc. (if you're a big fan of Napoleon Dynamite, like we are at the McMannus household, you get the joke... if not, then 'duh! you're the lamest thing ever!!')

no, but seriously Micah is learning some pretty impressive skills at only 2 months old. By the way, he is now 12.5 lbs and 22 in. long! Big boy. Pretty soon I'll put him to work landscaping! Micah has learned how to roll over already! And he holds his head up so well! (We are easily excitable around here)

here are a couple other recent pictures...

1 comment:

kris said...

that picture of him is so cute!