Tuesday, November 6, 2007

jumpin', rockin' & devo's with dad

Micah is growing up sooo fast... all the little new noises he makes, he's a lot of fun just to sit and listen to. It makes you wonder if he's trying to communicate with you, or if he's just having fun squealing and laughing... whatever it is, they are the best sounds in the world.

But that's not all, Micah has been discovering all sorts of great things to do to pass the time, such as...

... hanging out on the rocking chair ...

... playing in his brand new jump seat ...

... and having devo's with Mom and Dad.


Michawn said...

SUCH a gorgeous little guy (and I don't use the word gorgeous lightly). Can't believe he's getting so big and doing such fun stuff...and we haven't even met him. Even crazier that he'll be walking and talking before we do. We'll probably have 2 or 3 more kids for you to meet too when we finally come back.

Thanks so much for the pictures. LOVE them as you know I would. I don't always comment, but I always look. Love the updates...thanks for keeping us posted. And Angela, you look great.

kris said...

is that some kind of announcement michawn????

does the jumper make him puke?

Jennifer Groff said...

what an adorable little guy! Hope you guys are doing well!!